Shipping & Orders
We ship your package within Germany using Deutsche Post. If you live abroad, it will also be sent from Germany with Deutsche Post and handed over to the local postal service upon arrival in the destination country. Delivery within Germany usually takes 1–3 days. For international destinations, delivery times are 7–15 days to North America and European countries, and 7–30 days to regions such as Asia, South America, and the Middle East. If you choose express shipping with DPD or FedEx Priority, your package will typically reach its destination within 1–3 days, depending on the country.
By logging into your account, you can find and track your orders easily. Or simply go to our Order Tracker.
Before your order is processed or shipped from our warehouse, we can edit your shipping address for you, please feel free to write us at
Before your order is processed or shipped from our warehouse, we can edit your order for you, please feel free to write us at
We recommend to contact your local post office/postman as soon as possible and inquire about the recipient - Your parcel could be given to your neighbor or waiting for Pick-Up in the local postal station.
Your parcel could be returned to the warehouse for various reasons, e.g. incomplete address, not picked-up within allowed time frame.
Please contact us at and we will help you resolve the problem and arrange a reshipment.
Depending on the rules of your local post service, your parcel shipped with free international shipping could be left at your mailbox by the post employee.
Please contact us at and we will help you resolve the problem as soon as possible.
Include a helpful and informative answer to the frequently asked question here.We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. Although we try our best to provide exceptional service, some factors like shipping and handling can cause issues like this to happen.
Please contact us at with a photo of the broken packaging box /damaged or defective item(s) you received and we'll do our best to resolve this as soon as possible.
The commercial invoice will be sent automatically within 24h after the order has been placed.
If you are not able find it, please also check your spam folder or contact us at
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